Saturday, May 10, 2008


Yesterday I had to have oral surgery. Before the surgery I was perscribed a valium and took it without hesitation, because, when it comes to medical procedures, I have a history of severe anxiety. To put me out for the procedure, I was given "laughing gas". The combination of the two medications put me into a deep delerium, and I was laughing throughout the entire procedure. I had basically no idea what was happening to me. But during this absurd and confusing trip, I began to pick up bits a pieces of the conversation that was occuring between the doctor and the nurse that was assisting him; chit chat about the weather this weekend, and something about a festival of sorts that the nurse was having to attend with someone whose name ended in "onica". I'm assuming this was Monica, but I missed the first part of the name because I was think I was laughing or blacking out or something. Anyways, as I opened my eyes and watched these two people converse, I started wondering if they knew I could somewhat hear what they were saying. Did they think that I was spying on them? Did they think that whatever I heard I would be unable to remember because of the gas? Then I became suspicious. What if they purposefully gave people more nitrus oxide than necessary, to assure that they could talk about anything they wanted to during the procedure, or DO anything they wanted, while the patient lay helpless and unknowing?
My mind flashed to that Seinfeld episode where Jerry wakes up from a dental procedure and thinks he sees his doctor and nurse redressing. his shirt is untucked, and he has know way of knowing what the two had done during the time he was unconscious, or whether he was involved. As I struggled to focus, which was incredibly difficult through all of the laughter and the fact that the Lord of the Rings soundtrack was playing in my ear and causing me to partially believe that I was in Hobbiton, I began to fear that I was overhearing sensitive information. What if I had overheard a terrorist plot of sorts taking place? What if my doctor knows that I heard this because my eyes were open? I have know way of knowing if this "Monica" and "festival" are codes for something more serious, but if they are, I think it is very likely that I am now a target.


Julia McKinley said...

Excellent entry! I really followed your story. I can really connect to that situation. All I can say is that I'm glad you lived to tell the tale.


Abby said...

I was thinking Seinfeld as SOON as you wrote that you could hear their conversation. I think it's the strong jewish connection we have.