Thursday, June 12, 2008


As you've probably heard, the last few weeks have brought nothing short of apocalyptic storms, flooding, and heat to the Midwest, particularly Indiana where I happen to be residing. During this time, I have been almost entirely confined to my house. Not always out of necessity, but out of my intution that if I should venture outdoors I will certainly suffer an attack by whatever power is causing this ridiculous weather. After many days, I have slipped into a somewhat rigid routine, mostly consisting of hours spent looking at my computer. For those of you wondering how my days are spent in Indiana, I thought I'd give you a glimpse into my day to day schedule.

I recently lost my eye mask that keeps the sun out of my eyes while I sleep into the late morning hours, so these days, around 11:30 I remove the pillowcase that I put over my head as a substitute. Within minutes, I open my computer which lays on the couch right next to my air mattress, and do a few things. I first check my email and facebook. Then I visit Entertainment to get the days tv/movie news. After that, I watch The Dark Knight trailer atleast two times, and think to myself "How am I going to get the strength to wait until mid-July to see this?". I have not come up with an answer to this yet.

After getting dressed and showering, I usually eat breakfast around 1. During this time, I complain to my mom for 20 to 30 minutes about how the upcoming Hobbit movie is going to go terribly wrong without the direction of Peter Jackson. Today's argument was: different title font and a potentially different composer than the magical Howard Shore.

The bulk of my day is spent surfing the web. Lately, I can spend anywhere from an hour to four hours doing this, this time is mostly spent on youtube. When I get on a Lost wave, there is usually some time inbetween each interview or clip where I feel this great heaviness in my stomach and I think about how I can't possibly wait until January for a new episode. Sometimes the subject of my search doesn't really make sense. The other day I spent my time looking at every clip of the Jimmy Kimmel show that I could find. I do this until I have to force myself to turn my computer off because my eyes hurt and, frankly, I become terrified of the power the Internet has over me.

I take a few hours in the evening to eat dinner and talk to my family and walk around and stuff, but around 10 PM my eyes are back on a screen. I usually watch a movie or two, but it is the internet that keeps me up until the wee hours of the morning. For those of you who weren't expecting a conspiracy theory to fit into this particular entry- WRONG. Rather than pin this on my own laziness I feel that something much more sinister is at work. Perhaps the unusual weather that is occuring is simply a tool to get us all inside and at our computers and tvs where we can subsequently be brainwashed. I think that is the far more likely explanation. Maybe I am wrong, but from my personal experience I can tell you that lately there is something UNUSUALLY hypnotic about watching Kimmel clips on a loop.

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