Friday, June 20, 2008


Ladies and gentlemen, I am coming to you with, even by my standards, insane news. Less than 10 minutes ago I walking out the back door of my house with my dog to take her out for an evening stroll and I, in all seriousness, believe I saw a U.F.O.

My eyes were drawn to the sky the moment I stepped out from the overhang of the house and into the open back yard. I cannot describe the actual shape of the thing that I saw because the skies were totally dark, but there were three large lights on it, in a diagonal row, and they gave the appearance of some linear thing. Although, it is possible that those lights were just tools used to distract me from the enormity of the actualy craft that was hidden in the darkness. I may never know. I have never seen lights like this, placed in such a way, on any helicopter or plane that I have ever seen in the nighttime.
The thing that made me most curious was that the object was moving downwards, as if it was landing. And I happen to know that there are no airports within an hour of my house. Now that I think about it, I cant remember ever seeing a plane flying around here at all. The skies are not as highly trafficked here as they are in CT, where I used to look at planes many times a day. I was so confused when I saw the thing in the sky that I closed my eyes really tight and then opened them so I could focus on it closer. As I lingered, staring at it, something large moved in the bushes towards my neighbors backyard. Frightened that I had been spotted eyeing the object in the sky and that someone, or some thing, had been sent to take care of the matter, I cut my dogs walk short and ran back into the house.

Anyways, as soon as I got inside I knew I had to tell someone. And since my mom is asleep, and I know my brothers would never listen to me, and the author of my sister-blog has slipped into a 10 PM bedtime routine (which, especially considering tonight's events, I think she should revise) I have come here. Seeking clarity. Maybe a good nights sleep will uncloud my mind and allow me to think about this experience more rationally. But at the moment, I must say, I'm a little scared.

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